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Domestic Abuse

Information for the Public +

Domestic Abuse in Older Adults – ‘Eggshells’: a Short Film produced by older survivors who have experienced long term abuse, involving high levels of coercion and control 

Domestic abuse is any kind of violence or other abuse between family members. This can be violent behaviour by a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, ex-partner, father, mother, son or daughter who lives in the same home or elsewhere. It may include physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse. It can also affect the health and wellbeing of children in the family.

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 introduced a statutory definition of domestic abuse that can be found here: Domestic Abuse Act 2021 (legislation.gov.uk)

No one should have to put up with any kind of violence or abuse and everyone has the right to personal safety.  If it has happened once it is likely to happen again.

Even if it has been happening for years it is never too late to seek help.

Domestic abuse includes physical, emotional, sexual or mental abuse.

In an Emergency                                    999

Non-Emergency                                     101

Further information

Support Organisations

Information for Professionals +

Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy 

Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment

Rochdale Children’s Domestic Abuse Toolkit Guidance

Rochdale Children's Domestic Abuse Toolkit Resources

Safe Lives - research and resources

Respect Toolkit - Working with Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy

Coercive Control - Resources

Predatory Marriage UK – Reforming marriage laws and procedures to protect people with dementia

Domestic Abuse and Older People - Guidance

Spotlight #1: Older people and domestic abuse | Safelives

Domestic Abuse (trixonline.co.uk)

Effects of domestic abuse on children | Barnardo's (barnardos.org.uk)

Manchester Immigration Aid Unit Process to refer

Support Organisations

In Emergency 999

Non-Emergency 101

Greater Manchester police domestic violence unit
Phone: 0161 872 5050 (ask for the domestic violence unit)


MARAC is a multi-agency meeting which facilitates the risk assessment process for individuals and their families who are at risk of domestic violence and abuse. Organisations are invited to share information with a view to identifying those at "very high" risk of domestic violence and abuse. Where very high risk has been identified, a multi-agency action plan is developed to support all those at risk. Further details can be found here

Information for Children and Young People +

Domestic abuse is when a grown-up threatens, bullies or hurts another adult in the house. 

Domestic Abuse can happen in any family. It can be very hard to deal with but remember it's never your fault.

If this is happening in your home talk to a teacher at school or someone else you can trust and tell them what is happening.

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