'Honour’ Based Abuse/Violence (HBA V)
The definition provided by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (2015) states that Honour Based Abuse is:
‘a collection of practices used predominantly to control the behaviour of women and girls within families or other social groups in order to protect supposed cultural and religious beliefs, values and social norms in the name of ‘honour’.
Homes Office Figures suggest there are approximately 12 honour killings in the UK each year, not counting individuals who are taken abroad and never seen again. Between 2010- 14 UK police forces recorded more than 11,000 ‘Honour Crimes’. In 2022, there were 2887 HBA related offences recorded by police in England and Wales
Girls and women are most at risk of HBAV and are vulnerable following a refusal or breakdown of an arranged or forced marriage, termination of an unwanted pregnancy or defying parents. HBAV can also affect boys and men. HBAV might also be committed against people who become involved with a boyfriend or girlfriend from a different culture or religion; and whose attitude and behaviour (clothes, activities, and career) might not be considered traditional within a particular culture. LGBTQ+ and disabled people are amongst the most vulnerable.
Forms of HBAV
HBAV can take many forms: domestic abuse / violence, sexual harassment, assault and rape, psychological abuse, child abuse, kidnapping, false imprisonment, FGM, threats to kill, forced marriage, coercive and controlling behaviours, stalking, house arrest, servitude, isolation from family and community, denial of further education or employment, excessive restrictions on freedom, and social activities, abandonment or sending someone back to their country of origin, dowry abuse, forced suicide, and murder/“honour killing”.
If you have been a victim of HBAV, or know someone else who has been affected by it, there is help and support available.
You can contact local services:
- Child Early Help and Safeguarding Hub on 0300 303 8886
- Adult Social Care on 0300 303 8886
If you think someone is being subject to HBAV contact Greater Manchester Police on 101 or 999 if it is an emergency.
The local area has a group called the HBA including FGM working group which meets regularly to discuss and plan activity to increase the awareness of HBA related safeguarding within the Rochdale borough. The working group is made of of members of the RBSCP, RBSAB and the Rochdale Safer Communities Partnership.
You can view the local strategy here and if you would like more information please email RBSB.Admin@Rochdale.Gov.UK
Karma Nirvana have a UK helpline 0800 5999 247. They are an organisation committed to ending Honour Based Abuse in the UK.

For professionals.
One Chance Rule You may only have ONE CHANCE to speak to a potential victim and may only have ONE CHANCE to save a life!
Useful links and guidance:
Multi-agency training:
RBSAB and RBSCP offers free HBAV multi-agency safeguarding training to anyone who works or volunteers in the Rochdale Borough. For further course details and to book a place visit here.