Multi-Agency Joint Protocols
Manchester North Information Sharing Protocol
The purpose of this protocol is to establish effective and consistent notification and information sharing between those involved in Adults and Children’s Safeguarding Procedures, Child Death Overview Panels, Domestic Homicide Reviews and Her Majesty’s Coroner Office for North Manchester to ensure that in practice:
The Coroner is informed by the relevant Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB), Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) and/or local Community Safety Partnership of all deaths which are to be subject of a multi-agency review e.g. Safeguarding Adult Review, Child Safeguarding Practice Review, Domestic Homicide Review, Learning Lessons or other Reviews. The notification should be completed as soon as possible in case the death is not already known to the Coroner’s Office
The Coroner notifies the relevant LSAB, LSCP or CSP if it is felt by the Coroner’s Office that a multi-agency review should be considered
If the LSCP/Coroner becomes aware of a child death, the relevant CDOP Manager is notified on a timely basis
This will therefore result in:
Improvements in the experience of those who are bereaved, in obtaining explanations surrounding the death.
That there are clear lines of communication between safeguarding arrangements and the Coroner’s Office
There is a reciprocal process is established for raising concerns or sharing relevant information.
Manchester North Standard Operating Procedure