About the Safeguarding Adult Board (RBSAB)
The Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Adults Board has representatives from a wide variety of organisations.
Amanda Clarke - Independent Chair
Accountability and the Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board:
The Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board is accountable to residents in the area covered by the Board through: the statutory annual report and strategic plan, which is presented to Council Members and relevant partnership Boards; through reporting to the Chief Executive of the Local Authority for that area; and to the partners of the Safeguarding Adults Board. More details.
Adult Care (Director of Strategic Commissioning and Assistant Director)
Adult Social Care Strategic Safeguarding Lead and Principle Social Worker (advisor to the Board)
NHS GM Integrated Care Service (HMR) (Chief Nurse, Associate Director Quality and Safeguarding and Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children and Cared for Children)
Greater Manchester Police (Divisional Commander)
Children's Social Care (Head of Service Safeguarding Children’s Unit)
Neighbourhood Services (Domestic Abuse Coordinator)
Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (RBSB Business Manager)
Elected Members (Assistant to Cabinet member for Adult Care)
Northern Care Alliance (Director of Nursing and Named Practitioner Adult Safeguarding)
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (Head of Safeguarding)
Healthwatch Rochdale (Chief Executive)
Rochdale Safer Communities Partnership (Safer Communities Manager)
HM Prison Service (Head of Offender Management, HMP Buckley Hall)
National Probation Service (Head of Probation)
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (Community Safety Manager / Designated Safeguarding Officer)
Rochdale and District Mind (Chief Executive)
Together - Your Voice Advocacy (Statutory Advocate)
In addition, the Safeguarding Board Business Unit exists to support the work of the Board.
RBSAB Constitution
RBSAB Data Sharing Agreement
What do Safeguarding Adults Boards do?