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Child Sexual Exploitation

What is Child Sexual Exploitation?

Child sexual exploitation: definition and guide for practitioners - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Protecting children from sexual exploitation | NSPCC Learning

Appropriate Child Exploitation Language Guide

Child sexual abuse and exploitation | Barnardo's (barnardos.org.uk)

Child sexual exploitation - Advice for Healthcare Staff (england.nhs.uk)

Child Sexual Exploitation | Greater Manchester Police (gmp.police.uk)

It's not okay: information for parents

Know about CSE

7 Minute Briefing - Child Sexual Abuse

Keep them safe: free online training for parents & carers

It's Not Okay - Videos (itsnotokay.co.uk)

Barnardo's | Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) | Greg's Story (youtube.com)

PACE advice centreThis information library has been developed for parents whose children are at risk of, or are being, sexually exploited.

The Complex Safeguarding Team (Sunrise)

The Complex Safeguarding Team is responsible for tackling child sexual exploitation in the Borough of Rochdale and is a partnership between the council, Greater Manchester Police, children’s charities and Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust.

The Complex Safeguarding Team work with young people at risk of child sexual exploitation. They develop bespoke plans of support and pursue criminal investigations where appropriate.

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