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Right Care, Right Person (RCRP)

Right Care, Right Person (RCRP) is a national approach, supported by the Home Office and the College of Policing.

It is designed to ensure that people of all ages, who have physical/mental health and/or social care needs, are responded to by the right person, with the right skills, training and experience to best meet their needs.

Under RCRP, when a concern for welfare is reported, Greater Manchester Police will strive to identify the nature of the concern and where suitable, signpost the caller to the most appropriate agency to meet their needs - which is not always the police.

What is Right Care, Right Person (Blue)

What is Right Care, Right Person (White

AWOL/Absconder Patients (Blue)

AWOL/Absconder Patients (White)

Right Care, Right Person - Does it fit the bill? (Blue)

Right Care, Right Person - Does it fit the bill? (White)

Right Care, Right Person - Myth-busting (Blue)

Right Care, Right Person - Myth-busting (White)

Right Care, Right Person - Myth-busting 1 (Blue)

Right Care, Right Person - Myth-busting 1 (White)

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