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Allegations Management - Adults

Allegation Management is concerned with allegations of abuse by professionals and volunteers working with adults with care and support needs.

Click on the links below to see the process and procedure for managing allegations:

Allegation Management Lead (AML)

The AML provides management and oversight of individual cases of allegations of abuse against those who work with adults with care and support needs.

The AML's role is to give advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations; liaise with the police and other agencies; and monitor the progress of cases to ensure that they are dealt with as quickly as possible consistent with a thorough and fair process.

Allegation Management Lead - 7 Minute Briefing

For advice or to make a referral regarding Allegation Management, please email the Rochdale AML: aml@rochdale.gov.uk

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Free training is available on the Allegations Management (Adults) process and what it means for you. Please check the Events page on this website for the next course.

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