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On this page you can access a wide range of free or low cost e-learning designed to support work to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. 

On completion of a course, practitioners should notify their agency training representative to ensure that e-learning is captured on their training record.

NOTEThe RBSCP/RBSAB is not responsible for the content of external websites.

#LiveSkills resources focusing on live streaming risks to children

ACE's Video - Adverse Childhood Experiences

ACT - Action Counters Terrorism - ACT - Action Counters Terrorism 

Attachment in children & young people adopted from care – NICE

Understanding Attachment Theory - Attachment Theory - The basic principles of Attachment Theory - Iriss 

Awareness of Forced Marriage - a free course from Virtual College 

Brook Learn e-learning website -  (includes consent, sexual behaviours & CSE)

Child neglect - Training resources from the Department of Education

Child Sexual Exploitation for health practitioners  

Child Sexual Exploitation - Virtual College 

Child Sexual Exploitation - Keep them Safe - CSE Learning Tool - PACE

Children and young people’s participation - Open Learn

Children and Young People's Mental Health -MindEd

Children of Prisoners - SCIE

Children’s rights training resource (includes introduction to child development and communication) - Coram International

Consent, Sexual Behaviour and CSE - Brook Learning

Contextual Safeguarding Network 

Coronavirus: safeguarding and child protection (NSPCC)

Counter Terrorism Awareness - Counter Terrorism Policing

Cyber Security, an introduction to stay safe online - Open University - Staying Safe Online

Dementia Awareness - Social Care Institute for Excellence

Disability Basics - Disability Matters

Domestic abuse / toxic trio - AVA Project

Domestic homicide review training front line practitioners - Home Office

FGM Resource Pack

Foster caring -  British Red Cross 

Forced marriage - Virtual College 

Gender Non-Conforming Young People - GIRES - Understanding and supporting gender non-conforming young people 

Human Trafficking Awareness - Salvation Army

'In Your Hands - Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking' – ECPAT

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online - Open Learn

Introduction to Prevent - Home Office

Keeping Children Safe Online - NSPCC resource (£35 registration cost) 

Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport - NSPCC

Managing Sexualised Behaviour in School  - NSPCC - (£35 registration fee)

Online Safety - CEOP

Parental Mental Health and Families - SCIE

Parental Substance Misuse - Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)  

PREVENT (Radicalisation and Extremism) - HM Government

Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation - NSPCC

Introduction to Prevent - Home Office

Radicalisation /Channel General Awareness  Home Office

Safeguarding Adults - e-learning for health practitioners 

Safeguarding Adults - Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) 

Safeguarding Child Victims of Human Trafficking - ECPAT UK - In Your Hands

Safeguarding Matters: Disabled Children - Disability Matters

Safeguarding awareness training for workers who enter people's homes - NSPCC

Strengths Based Approaches Video's - SCIE

Sign of Safety - SoS Liverpool Video

Suicide Awareness - Zero Suicide Alliance - Lets Talk 

The Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People - Coursera (University of Edinburgh)

Trauma Informed Practice - Free - provided by FutureLearn

Trauma Informed Practice - Opening Doors video - TiP for the Workforce - Education for Scotland

Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes - "When animals are abused, people are at risk - Virtual College

Understanding Attachment Theory  IRISS

Child and adolescent mental health - MindEd E-learning:  

Open University
The Open University offers free online courses on their website www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses on a range of subjects, including:

Future Learn

Future Learn offers a diverse selection of free courses from leading universities and cultural institutions around the world. These are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can fit learning around your life.  Find out more on their website www.futurelearn.com  – some examples of recent courses: 

Index of all pages: