Safeguarding Adults Week. November 2023
The Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Adults Board is holding its annual Safeguarding Adults Week during 20 – 24 November 2023.
Safeguarding really is ‘everyone’s business’ and it is a responsibility we all share here in Rochdale.

The principle focus of the week will be raising awareness of "Team around the Adult".
On Wednesday 22 November between 10:00 and 15:30, the ground floor of Number One Riverside will host stalls from a number of services that work in the local area to ensure effective safeguarding for adults. Many of these stalls are services that work within "Team around the Adult" and provide support and care when required. This is an open event and residents and practitioners are encouraged to attend to hear more about the excellent work these services provide. Stalls include:
Rochdale Borough Adult Safeguarding Board |
Advocacy |
Nest Team |
Rochdale Connections Trust |
Qwell |
Theatre in Flow |
Rochdale Women's Welfare Association |
Home Instead |
RBC Adult Social Care |
Nestac |
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue |
Alzheimers |
Carers Hub |
Big Life |
Turning Point |
Rochdale & District MIND
Team around the adult is a multi-agency method of work to create good outcomes for adults with support needs who may not require statutory safeguarding. Processes within Team around the Adult can be used in care management, people with emerging needs and promoting independence. This is done by identifying risks and discussing desired outcomes with the adult. Alongside the adult, a multi-agency approach is proactive in jointly assessment, planning and preventing escalation of risk. More information can be seen in the M.D.T protocol video below.
The M.D.T protocol is about building trusting relationships, having quality conversations and jointly planning the right care with both the adult and multi-agency colleagues.
All multi-agency safeguarding policies, procedure, protocols and guidance can be found on
Alongside the M.D.T Protocol, during Adult Safeguarding Week we are also promoting T.R.A.M guidance. The Tiered Risk Assessment & Management guidance includes information of how to escalate risk into a multi agency setting and how to run positive risk management meetings. More information can be seen in the video below:
The items above have both been developed by the RBSAB following learning recommendations gained in Safeguarding Adult Reviews. Our focus has been to ensure the correct multi-agency strategy meetings occur at the right time, and to ensure the voice of the adult and understanding their lived experience is understood. The link below contains lots of information regarding local SARs and the associated learning the Adult Board has gained.

During RBSAB safeguarding adults week, a number of free training sessions are taking place. All training provided by RBSAB is provided free of charge for those that live or work in the borough of Rochdale. You can book onto training here.
Alongside training, RBSAB provide a range of workbook, 7 minute briefings and information regarding all aspects of adult safeguarding:
If you have any concerns that an adult is being harmed or abused or is at risk of harm or abuse, call Rochdale Adult Social Care on 0300 303 8886. If someone is in immediate danger contact the Police on 999