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Cold weather and winter messages

Winter may make it more challenging for us to stay well. As the days get shorter and colder, it’s normal to go out less. We’re all more likely to catch colds or flu, and generally feel a bit down.

But, by thinking ahead and planning, we can take care of ourselves and help each other in the coming months.
This  resources below give advice and information on staying warm, safe and well.

Winterwise - A guide to keeping well this winter

Warm Homes Scheme

How to keep warm and healthy in winter | Age UK

How to stay well in winter - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

helping-to-prevent-winter-deaths-quick-guide.pdf (nice.org.uk)

Top tips for keeping warm and well this winter (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Cost of Living Toolkit

Warm Spaces

Tips to Keep Kids Warm All Winter - HealthyChildren.org

Frozen Water Safety Information

Dec 2022: Advice on current issues- Damp and mould in rented homes, and advice for older people re keeping warm in winter -

Damp and mould in rented homes - Shelter England

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