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14 July: Day of Memory for victims of Honour Based Abuse

July the fourteenth is a day of memory for victims of Honour Based Abuse. Each year there is an estimated 12 "honour" killings in the UK however the real number is thought to be considerably higher.

The Day of Memory was founded by Karma Nirvana who are an organisation committed to ended Honour Based Abuse in the UK. For anyone who is worried about HBA, you can contact local services:

  • Child Early Help and Safeguarding Hub on 0300 303 8886
  • Adult Social Care on 0300 303 8886
  • Where there is an immediate risk please contact 999

You can also contact the Karma Nirvana UK helpline on 0800 5999 247

Members of the RBSCP and RBSAB will be taking part in the memory day by posting social media information with regards HBAV. The www.rochdalesafeguarding.com has dedicated information pages which can be found below.



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