The Stressed Out Brain

The Stressed Out Brain is a bespoke piece of training that we have created which young people were at the focus of developing. This stemmed from a piece of research from Edge Hill University and was later commissioned by Salford City Council’s Violence Reduction Unit to raise awareness about the teenage brain, the impact of trauma, substance misuse and its links to youth violence and mental health. From this an animation and resource workbook was developed to help support professionals and volunteers working with young people in order to have conversations regarding the above. 


July 2024

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
30/07/2024 09:30-15:00 1 Day Lock 50 3 Book

October 2024

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
29/10/2024 09:30-15:00 1 Day TBC 24 Book

January 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
28/01/2025 09:30-15:00 1 Day TBC 23 Book

April 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
22/04/2025 09:30-15:00 1 Day TBC 25 Book