Professional Curiosity

Pennine Care Foundation Trust have kindly opened their Professional Curiosity briefing to us.

Appropriate for professionals to build skills and knowledge to enable professional curiosity in practice.

All details below.

Professional curiosity is the capacity and communication skill to bring together information from a range of sources to explore and understand what is happening with an individual. Unconscious bias is about unconscious forms of discrimination and stereotyping. Being mindful of professional curiosity and unconscious bias is vital in responding to the often highly complex cases that are characteristic of Safeguarding Adult Reviews, where multiple risks and vulnerabilities may extend over considerable periods of time. Course Aim This course aims to equip practitioners with knowledge and understanding of the importance of being ‘professionally curious’ and avoiding unconscious bias and how to develop their skills when they are working with individuals in across GM. This course is suitable for all practitioners working within statutory and non-statutory services supporting 'Adults at Risk of Harm' in a range of settings across GM.

Held on the following dates:

     11th July

     17th October

     22nd August

     14th November

     12th September

     20th December


All dates the time is:15:00 – 16:30

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